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At this moment I was supposed to be on my way to Copenhagen, but due to technical failure at the Dutch railways, I never even made it past Amsterdam. I would like to know how to proceed from here.

Attempts to reach out to support while still on the rail failed, as no one could give me any information  about an alternative way to reach Germany so I could continue my travel by train from there.

So I would like to cancel my trip from today, as I am unable to finish it, and try again tomorrow. In addition I would like to know how I will be compensated for the inconvenience, now I will have to cancel meetings I had planned for tomorrow.

Kind regards,


Dutch rail have to provide assistance in form of a zero fare ticket to provide your onward journey 🙂 in case that wont be possible today even the cost of a Hotel for the Night. Bestway is to go to a NS service desk and ask for assistance. You have the same rights as a Passenger with a “Standard Ticket” and as Dutch rail is responsible for your missed connection they have to fix it 🙂 ofcourse the Eurail support will try to assist you (for example cancel the actual travelday) You can contact them via Twitter/Facebook or this service form

I went to the service desk where they told me they couldn't help as I didn't book my ticket through NS.

I went to the service desk where they told me they couldn't help as I didn't book my ticket through NS.

They are utterly wrong. Could you please let me know in which station this was and at what time?

They have to assist. It's the obligation of the local operator to deal with stranded passengers, regardless of where they bought their tickets. Maybe ask them to give their refusal to you in writing?

Je mag het me ook in het Nederlands schrijven :)

De verplichting tot assistentie (vervangende verbinding zonder meerkosten; overnachting als dat nodig is) volgt uit EU-verordening 1371/2007, artikels 16 en 18.

It was at Rotterdam CS, about half an hour ago. They were very unhelpful and rude, so I doubt they will give this is writing.

En ik heb vaker met de trein gereisd, ik weet wat mijn rechten zijn, maar als er niet meegewerkt wordt aan de servicedesk kan ik geen kant op. Aan de NS balie wordt gezegd dat ik contact moet opnemen met de organisatie waar ik mijn ticket gekocht heb, dat ze geen ‘gratis’ tickets naar Kopenhagen weggeven, en als ik ze de  EU-verordering wil laten zien willen ze die niet lezen.

Misschien moet je rechtstreeks via twitter of Facebook aan NS vragen op welke manier je gebruik kunt maken van je recht om morgen zonder extra kosten je reis te vervolgen.
Ik zou in ieder geval gewoon morgen reizen, zonder een nieuwe reisdag te gebruiken. Morgen kun je bovendien de vraag in Rotterdam (of elders) opnieuw stellen.
