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I want to book a journey from Germany to England, using ICE trains in Germany and a Eurostar to travel to England. As ICEs are often delayed, I wondered what would happen if I miss the Eurostar due to a delay of the ICE before.

Does my seat reservation then count for the next train or what would I have to do?

Thanks for help!

I know that with normal tickets they will book new tickets for you, due to the EU regulation and the Railteam agreement. 

With Interrail I don’t know, but it should work the same. Eurostar staff is very friendly. 

Its likely via BRUssel-they are very well used to that there. And you´l not be the only 1 either. However-it may be a prob in the current hi-season with many trains fully booked-it may be that next connecting ICE is again also late and those seats then remain empty. At least talk to conductor so s/he can notify BRU about how many pax may be involved.

In such a case, Eurostar will have to rebook you on the next train with available seats. "Available” here is not subject to pass holder fare availability or even 2nd class availability (if your pass is 2nd class). Any empty seat will do. Without extra costs of course.

Also see EU Regulation 1371/2007, article 16.
