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Hello fellow interrailers.

Me and my boyfriend both won interrail passes through the discover eu competition, and we are traveling as a group. I got my pass before him, and added a journey in the app,  a Nightjet train from Muenchen HBF to Roma Termini on 13th of June, with OEBBs NJ 295 train. We bought tickets for a sleeper cabin as well. 

Now when my boyfriend tries to add this journey to his travel plans in the rail planner app, it does not show up. Another similar OEBB train does, but it has a change of trains in Villach HBF and the train number is NJ 40295, and then in Villach it changes to train NJ 40233. The tickets we bought, and the journey that still shows up in my app, does not have any changes. Is it the same train? Does our train not show up because it is fully booked? What should we do? 


PLEASE help us. 

Kindest Regards


The railplaner app is not up to date and not live. Look at the website of the carrier of the train If a train is missing in the app, you can add it manually.

In this case the Nightjet starts in Munich with two separate trains to Rome via Firenze and Milan via Verona. In Villach the train will be split up in two parts. One part continues to Rome and the other to Milan, both together with the part from Vienna.  You can sleep and you have to do nothing.

Please check that this train is in the app as one train (without changes) till Rome, because so you use only one travel day!


The train goes directly to Rome. But it starts in Munich with two separate trains till Villach where the nightjet will be split up. One part to Rome via Firenze. The other to Milan via Verona. You can sit/sleep/whatever. You have only to be in the right carriage you booked.  

But check also at the website of the carrier of this train, if this train will run as booked. 

If the app doesn’t show this as an directly train, than try to add the train manually to the app. It is important, that this train ride is showed as one direct train, because in other case you will use two traveldays instead of only one.  

Okay Angelo,

Thank you for the quick and informative reply. Now I understand. So we’ll just make sure to get on the right carriage and my boyfriend will have to add the journey manually. I can now sleep soundly know there is nothing wrong. :)

check also on the website of the carrier if the train will run like on time of booking.
