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Hello everyone,

Me and my 2 friends will begin our interrail on the 29th of April, and we would like to go from Milan to Budapest on a night train on the 1st of May (18:10 until 09:02). From the interrail website we saw that we could get one by going from Milan to Zurich (EC 310) and then from Zurich to Budapest (EN 40467). After buying the interrail passes, the trains say “Prices unavailable”, and after checking multiple websites we still can’t seem to find one to actually book the tickets. Are both trains already sold out? Is there any alternative to get to Budapest?

Thank you in advance.


There are works on the line and the timetable is not fixed says ÖBB booking website on the NJ to Vienna on the same route 1 hour later and the EN to Budapest is not bookable. 

In your case I would wait. You can still get in touch with ÖBB and the operator of the train MAV START. 


For the EC maybe you are to early.

You should not book a 13-minute change into a night train if the first trains comes from Italy. Unless you'd like a hotel night in Zurich on SBB's expense.

The best website to book these trains is More reliable and cheaper than via Interrail. But the best is to wait a bit, until the night train's timetables has been finalised.
