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Hi guys!

Would be nice to have a collection of wrong (or missing) information on the Railplanner App.

I will start:

  • IC/IR/EC Switzerland<->Domodossola: The app says a reservation is required. Actually there is none required. Just if you continue to/from Domodossola from other Italian destinations, a reservation is needed… 
  • EN (München/Zürich)-Salzburg-Budapest: The EuroCity part of this train is not shown in the app. With the EC carriages you can travel without a reservation between Salzburg and Budapest.
  • For many EC/RJ trains between Budapest and Vienna it says that a reservation is required. That’s not true. Only for domestic trips INSIDE Hungary (e.g. Budapest-Györ) a reservation is required (which can be easily done on a ticket machine at the station or also online).
  • For many trains on the Bludenz-Bregenz line it says “not in pass network” if they are coming from Schruns. This is due to Montafonerbahn being not part of the railpass (Bludenz<->Schruns), but on the stretch Bludenz-Bregenz-Lindau it is DEFINITELY valid.
  • Trains Aulendorf-Pfullendorf, only running during summer months (until mid October) on Sundays are not in the Planner App but actually the pass is valid here (also ÖBB doesn’t show this trains strangely)
  • For Bucuresti to Bulgaria (Train 461) it says seat reservation required, but actually that’s not true. Only if you take the summer-only couchette Bucuresti-Istanbul you’ll have to pay extra.


Feel free to add more missing information… maybe someone from the Interrail team could correct this data?

IC/IR/EC Switzerland<->Domodossola: The app says a reservation is required. Actually there is none required. Just if you continue to/from Domodossola from other Italian destinations, a reservation is needed…

For IC and IR true.

For EC is it a bit complicated. But I hope I'm wrong and I have old wrong informations.

If you change in Domodossola for a train to Locarno you don't need a reservation. To Domodossola and beyont in Italy yes, because SBB has strangely a Border fare point in Iselle Transito instead of Domodossola. I think this is to get more money. Same is for Swiss with GA. To Domodossola or Milan they have to pay from Iselle instead of Domo. What I can tell, most swiss train staff says nothing about using without reservation till Domodossola. Trenitalia staff enter the train in Domodossola.

IC/IR/EC Switzerland<->Domodossola: The app says a reservation is required. Actually there is none required. Just if you continue to/from Domodossola from other Italian destinations, a reservation is needed…

For IC and IR true.

For EC is it a bit complicated. But I hope I'm wrong and I have old wrong informations.

If you change in Domodossola for a train to Locarno you don't need a reservation. To Domodossola and beyont in Italy yes, because SBB has strangely a Border fare point in Iselle Transito instead of Domodossola. I think this is to get more money. Same is for Swiss with GA. To Domodossola or Milan they have to pay from Iselle instead of Domo. What I can tell, most swiss train staff says nothing about using without reservation till Domodossola. Trenitalia staff enter the train in Domodossola.

I was asking the Swiss train staff and they said NO reservation needed. Used the EC Milano-Geneva from Domodossola. 
Also would make no sense to ask for reservation for EC for the short part Domodossola-Brig… 
IC/IR also has no stop between Brig and Domodossola… so why it should be treated differently? I think this is an internet fairytale

IMHO the reason is probably as all stations are first attached to a country-and that Domo is well INside IT is clear. But this-and there are a few others too, is since pre-WW2 possible to travel via normal inland Swiss ticketing. THis is a special thing for EUrail due to the homecountry rulings, that normal planners miss.

Same problem arises with REServ. from Basel on TGV-and also from Geneve-the FRench and SNCF treats it as INland, but EUrail asks for the much higher foreign surcharge.

During my last trip found some other mistakes in the Railplanner app:

  • it says that for example IC3528 stops in Warszawa Zachodnia P8. Actually this is wrong - the stop is called Warszawa Zachodnia P9!+
  • the reservations mandatory information in Poland is mostly wrong. On ÖBB Scotty & Co. it is shown correct. Rail planner says all IC are reservation mandatory, that’s not true.
  • If you want to travel from Prague to München it only shows the connections via Furth im Wald. The ones via Bayerisch Eisenstein are completely ignored. The problem: the railplanner app thinks Zelezna Ruda - Alzbetin and Bayerisch Eisenstein are two separate stations, but actually they are the same. ÖBB, DB, SBB & Co. are showing this connections properly.

Thanks for fixing it.


Is there a reason why some of the Swiss buses are shown in the Railplanner app and others not? Seems Postauto is mostly shown, while others not (e.g. Biasca to Lukmanier).

Also there seems to be sometimes only part of the bus trip shown, for example if you check Zernez to Mals/Malles, then there is only a bus shown until the first town in Italy but not until Mals.

The app shows the Hamburg-Copenhagen Eurocity devices as reservation mandatory. But this is only the case during summer, not right now. 

Is there a reason why some of the Swiss buses are shown in the Railplanner app and others not? Seems Postauto is mostly shown, while others not (e.g. Biasca to Lukmanier).

Also there seems to be sometimes only part of the bus trip shown, for example if you check Zernez to Mals/Malles, then there is only a bus shown until the first town in Italy but not until Mals.

I think this is because the Swiss send all of this information to the European Timetable Centre (MERITS).
