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Hi! I want to ask an information about night trains. If I think the night train at 10 PM and I arrive at my destination the morning later (for example at 9 AM), I’ll need to use 2 days of my global pass?

Here in EUR we all and also all railways use and are used to the 24 hr clock-am/pm is for USA.

It is all-as could been expected, clearly in the rules: ANY train you board on 1 day before 24.00, you can use till you leave it. IF you then take an other train to complete journey, a new travelday will be taken. In general about all such nighttrains MUST be REServed, with just a very few specific exceptions. There are cases (p.e. MIlano-Palermo/Catania) where that train only reaches outer and well after lunchtime!

There might however be a small problem if this is the last travelday and you want that day to reach your homecountry the next morning-if you plan that ask or search or many similar posts.

In your example you need only one travel day.

You can board a train at 22.00 and stay on that train until the morning without using a new travel day.

Only if you board a new train on the arrival day of the night train you will need a new travel day.
