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I find it not a real option to travel in Spain by interrail. The only way to book a reservation ( which you need in all trains) is on a station in Spain. Online is impossible. As a result the train is often  fully booked. Three times we had to book buses.  That was quite a disappointment

EN dat hebben we hier als vaak-antwoordgevers al zo ongeveer 100.000x zo gemeld-met als ´eer´volle prijs (niet voor koekhappen/zaklopen) dat die RENFE hierop het allerslechtst scoort van al die 33 landjes die meedoen.

Maar toch wil elke nieuwkomer juist via FR-met al die ook lastige TGV-REServeringennaar dat sinaasappelland. Want stel je voor dat je je eerst zou voorbereiden-------------


The best is to book your reservations either via DB (or a DB agent) or at the first station where you arrive in Spain. You don't have to wait until you're at the departure station of your train.

But it is true that RENFE is one of the most customer-unfriendly railways. It shows that in many respects, not just the Interrail reservations.

Thank you for your reply. I know you can book all your reservations in spain at the first station you arrive. But it was impossible to get from madrid (first station) to malaga, even during all the week! So we travelled via Sevilla. And apart from that, my assumption (and wish) was that you can make and change your plans at any moment and even last minute. Noway! 

Don't you think interrail should be more specific about that?

Don't you think interrail should be more specific about that?

They do this indeed on the website when you go under trains in Spain, but yes RENFE is a mess. I really hope that IRYO/Ilsa the new operator of Trenitalia and Air Norstrum in Spain will accept Interrail, but it is not sure, I mean Trenitalia France still do not accept it.  
