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HI! I’m gonna be starting my first interrail trip in about week and I have a question about the luggage storage possibilities in trains. I’m going to be travelling with a bigger suitcase and was wondering if there are usually some sorts of separate luggage storage spaces in trains? Also how have you managed to keep an eye on your luggage while travelling by train so that it doesn’t get stolen? Thank you for your help!

I place usually my suitcase in the Luggage racks (they fill up usually quickly), under the seats or between the seats worstcase in the overhead racks. I´ve never had a problem and travel by rail almost 25years :D

It depends from train to train where you can storage your luggage as there are new trains and older trains. Please not that your luggage need a nametag in France and Italy :)

Thank you so much for your answer! Do I need to have some other information on the tag or is my name enough? :)

@sarahentunen  the name was enough :)

I've never put a name tag on any of my luggage in France or Italy and nobody cared about it. It's new to me that this is now also required for Italy...

@rvdborgt  i´ve got just once trouble in Italy. As i placed my luggage next to my seat and then went to the dinning car 😃 the conductor showed me then the rule.
