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My husband I will be in Spain for 2 weeks. We would want to stay in Madrid, take a high speed train to Barcelona, but also take day trips out of both cities. Is there an advantage to purchasing passes in advance or would it work to buy as we go??

That is difficult to say without any more information about the journeys you intend to make.

I'd suggest to make a rough plan and look up the normal fares, booked as much in advance as you intend to do. does a good job there. Then compare with a pass plus reservations.

Forget a pass for ONLY in ESpana-simply buy normal tickets-advance booked for long distance AVE. Plus that now for Mad-Bcn there are also 3 other non-pass taking cheaper ALT-try them all.

RENFE is the only one to take passes and they want you to RES+pay extra fr about any longer train trip-without much ALT to that. ES is simply a PITA for using passes-problem complaints # 1 with long margin.
