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Hello everyone!

Is there a way to find out the structure of the train seats, or at the least the structure of the train carriage seats? Or is there a site for this? In some cases (DB, ČD) there’s no problem to choose from the train map and just click on the available seats and you know exactly which seats you’ll be sitting on. But in some other cases (DSB, SJ) I can just see the carriage number and the seat numbers that are there. But I can’t see if it’s in a coupe or if we’re sitting in a row of 3 seats or if we are sitting by the table...


Is there some way to find this out?


Thank you for your answers! 

Sometimes-this really depends on the specific railway. And sometimes its impossible-there may be so many changes or its simply too hard to plan this weeks ahead. Plus that in a classic train: loco+cars, it may even be different between the cars. Or this day the train runs in different order-etc,

In some specific cases there are special ´railfan´ sites that have more info. Or use google to your best abilities (its amazing on this forum how many general questions could have been answered quicker by friend google as posting it here).

Check this page for seating plans:
