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Travel by Train in Europe

  • 11 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi , May I ask if I can use the DB app to buy tickets for the purpose of travelling internationally in Europe. For example, go from Germany to Luxembourg or from Luxembourg to Belgium ? How do I buy tickets using the DB app ? Will I get a e-ticket with a QR code that I can show the inspector ?  Please help as I am new to using the DB app. Thank You. John

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If you have a Eurail pass you don't need to buy a ticket, as the Eurail pass is your ticket.

If you are taking about seat reservation, then you buy them with the "seat only" option at DB. The reservations will not have a QRcode, but will contain information in writing about which car and seat that has been reserved.
