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I am currently in Norway and am intentending on going to the UK by the end of this week. I am from the UK and was wanting to get back using rail travel instead of flying. This is so i can see a few places and explore along the way. I’m thinking of getting the train from Oslo, through Sweden into Denmark and then onto Germany. I would like to then go through the Netherlands and/or Belgium before taking the Eurostar back to the UK. 

I was wondering on if this was feasible considering Corona restrictions. I have done research into it and am finding information not particularly clear for me to process.

To note I am fully vacinated and have not been outside of Norway in the last 2 weeks.


Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. :)


Hey Harry,

if you have are fully-vaccinated and spent the last two weeks in Norway, then there should not be any problems. Just have a proof with you that you didn’t stay in UK during that time.
I was travelling a lot since April this year and haven’t been checked any time about Corona stuff in Schengen area. Only when crossing from/to non-Schengen countries my Corona certificate was checked… So I would not worry and just make the trip! Way better than flying ;-)
Just check ahead if you need to register in the country you are entering or not… best to check with your foreign ministry website or the reopenEU-website.

Safe trip

Please note, that there are no trains due to corona between Sweden and Norway at the moment.
