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En este otoño hay varios paises como Dinamarca o Suecia que no requieren de medidas Covid.

Es importante conocer qué posibilidad hay de participar en Discover EU para visitar esos paises.

¿Hay posibilidad de viajar todo seguido en tren para llegar allí sin necesidad de documentos sanitarios?

¡¡¡Gracias por compartir lo que sabéis!!!.

Por ejemplo si desde España tomo un tren hasta Dinamarca, de un tirón, ¿puedo atravesar las fronteras viajando en tren sin requerimiento de QR o de documento sanitario?
Me refiero a que si no salgo del tren y paso de un pais a otro, o cuando sea preciso un trasbordo me quedo en la estación, ¿hasta qué punto es imprescindible un documento sanitario para un viajero en tránsito?




Thiese months several countries like Denmark or Sweden do not require Covid measures anymore.

Taking part of Discover EU to visit these countries, mean to know better how to get there without the requirement for health documents.

Any contribution is apreciated! Thank you everybody for small or big clarifications.

Let us shed light on this important issue:  travelling to countries that are pioneers in removing the requirement for health documents.

The situation changes almost on a daily basis. Please check to see the requirements per country.

No doubt everyone agree with your statment: “the situation changes almost on a daily basis”


But to give more practical chances to DiscoverEU program, it is necesary any research about what are rail companies (like SCCF, DB, NS, etc ) doing right now.

A lot of regulations you can read at but it is more real to see everyday life.


From 2020 and 2021 on we must look for grounded info, rather than news.


People sharing travelling experiences about minus health requirements is better than just political rules !


The problem is political rules is that what count if you manage to travel without beeing catched your fine. But we can't provide suggestions that may cause a penalty for the travelers. Everybody is on his own and can decide if  they wanna risk to break the local laws of a Country or not.

I am not a fan of the acutal restrictions but it is like it is. And to avoid stress and trouble i follow the laws and rules for traveling :) 

@Seewulf I understand what you mean, same as you I apply all rules ...that is not a problem at all!!

I do my best to follow laws, but the question i had asked is simpler: 

I try to comply with all local and national laws and, of course, I respect them.
The question I raise here is simpler.

Has anyone observed possibilities to travel without QR?

That is useful information and so much appreciated.

We all know that the Swedes, Norwegians and Danes have a pretty situation regard people’s movility.

To I personally prefer to cross a border , or to stay in a country, without health requirements at all.

There is also a great advisory team at #Discover EU to book the trains for the selected travelers


P.S.: By the way, Europe is full of diversity. Did you know for example that Bulgaria resells big numbers of bought vaccines because a lot of its citizens refuse them?

