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Using Benelux within the Netherlands

  • 18 October 2022
  • 4 replies

Hello and thank you for allowing me to join this group 🙂

I have a question about using the Benelux card and if this specific topic has already been discussed, I apologize, and ask for the link to be sent to me, please!

My question:  I know I can use the Benelux card to go from Amsterdam to say Brussels but I just need to understand if I can use it to travel WITHIN the Netherlands, e.g. from Amsterdam to Rotterdam.  

Please advise, thank you so much!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

You can use the BeNeLux pass on all trains that are part of Eurail in the 3 countries. Here is a list of participating railway companies.


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Absolutely no problem with a Eurail Benelux pass with travelling within or between Ne, Be and Lux.


Thank you so much, Anna and Yorkie, for your responses, very much appreciated!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Except that it may be bad value to do so-but this will depend on total of travel plans. In LUX it is free anyway and much more in BE as in NL there are also numerous local discount fares. Most people will only cross (undiscernable) border once or twice on such a pass
