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Like many people, I'm trying to book the Stockholm -> Narvik in August. The train can be booked on the VY website but without the interrail option :( I'm trying to call them but despite long waits I can't get through to anyone... Has anyone managed? Do you know if the internet booking system will work soon? I was wondering if I should go through a travel agency to get help?

Thank you for your help


You can either wait for SJ to fix their website or call Vy to book.

I tried several times to call them, waiting hours but non answer :(

Tips for those who have to call VY -> press 3 (you have a problem) instead 1 (buy a ticket). After only 15 minuts waiting someone answered and we managed to book our trip !


So which is better to press, 1 or 3? Your post doesn't make that clear unfortunately.

@rvdborgt I think that it is clear that pressing 3 gives you help much quicker than pressing 1.

Do anyone know if there is any other option to get a seat reservation? I have the same problem!

I called them several times but nobody answers...

We managed to reserve a seat by calling them straight away in the morning when they open. So if you dial in the weekend at 10am or at weekdays at 7am sharp, and know which numbers to press (first 9, then 4 worked for us), you’re one of the first in line. We were able to reach them twice after 20 minutes or so. Hope it works for you too!

We did the same thing (press 1 then 4) at 7am and it worked ! Good Luck 🤞

Sorry for us it was 1 and then 3....

Thanks for your help! Now it worked I have just one last question and I hope its ok to ask them… How much do you pay only for the seat reservation?


We are 4 and we booked our own compartment : the price was 240 euros.

Thank you, now everything works and I have a seat reservation for about 5 euros!

Started at 7:00 am today with ‘9’ (for English) and then ‘4’ (anything else) . It it took 35 minutes to get through to customer service, but then it went very smoothly. They send en email with a link to pay for the reservation and wait until it is processed, then a new email with the ticket.

I was very close to just buying the reservations directly on Vy website, and without the Interrail discount. I paid SEK 1040 for a 2-person sleeping compartment from Abisko to Stockholm but the normal price is only SEK 1562 (that is for two pensionists), would be more for adult tickets.

Thanks  to everyone who replied! Out of curiosity: All those who were able to book ticket, which dates are you all travelling on? Till what data can I make bookings over call? I plan to travel in the 2nd week of September. 

Does anyone have the phone number for Vy?

Does anyone have the phone number for Vy?

+46 771 444 111

