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Me and my wife was planing to travel this year with the train instand of flying (good for our planet) i just buy the 7 day pass and try to book my travel but it look like all train fro holand or belgie to Biarritz, France (i live close to the belgie border)are fully booked,
is there a way that i can travel with the train? (i try now for 4 days and dont find normal way)
It my first time that i try it and dont what to cancel the pass before i know i try everything.



Yes don't worry there are possibilities. Thalys trains sell out well in advance as they have a quota for passholders (and extremely popular anyway). As long as you avoid them that's fine. For example by going via Lille.

What are your travel dates ? We'll gladly give advice. Of course book quite in advance as all trains heading south are very popular.

But you'll make it to Biarritz I'm sure !

Thank for your quick replay,
I whant to travel next sunday 23-7 and hope i can do it in 2-3 days.


You're welcome. As long as you don't need to do the full journey in 1 day you have plenty of options. Here are some of them :

Bordeaux on Sunday crossing Paris :

- from your hometown to Lille-Flandres (5 min walk)

- TGV Lille-Europe - Paris-Nord 12:05 - 13:23 (or earlier or later from Lille-Flandres too) 10€

- transfer by RER (not included)

- TGV Paris-Montparnasse - Bordeaux 16:03 - 18:44, 18:24 - 21:44 (10€) or 19:08 - 21:14 20€

Bordeaux on Sunday avoiding Paris :

- from your hometown to Lille using reservation-free ICs

- TGV Lille-Flandres - Bordeaux 17:16 - 22:02 20€

The next day : easy reservation-free TER journey to Hendaye.

Book TGVs within France here (4€ booking fee per order compared to 2€ per person per train on : 

You can also better check availability there. Do not hesitate for questions. Would you have another stop than Bordeaux in mind ? Most of the above TGVs also stop in Poitiers or Angoulême.

Thanks for the help,
I see that some of the train are only place 1 class, I guss i cant bookd them when i buy the 2 class pass (or can i do it)

You can travel in 1st class as long as you pay for the upgrade on b-europe. The price shown there includes the upgrade and the seat reservation.

Paris - Bordeaux costs 30€ in 1st class for example (upgrade + reservation). The price varies with the distance.

Many thank,

How do I booked Bordeaux on Sunday avoiding Paris ?

I see only via paris?

sorry for all the quition I am so new to all of this.

Don't worry for all the questions ! There are not many trains avoiding Paris unfortunately... there is one at 06:15 (but you'd have to spend the night in Lille) or in the late afternoon.

- 17:16 - 22:02 2 x 20€

All other connections are via Paris.

Thank a lot,
I manage to booked it,
you are an angel

You're welcome !

It is a great train as it indeed avoids Paris. Unfortunately those TGV intersecteurs are not common even when the demand is there...

Enjoy your trip ! 🙂 The rest should be easier : plenty of trains from your hometown to Lille during the day and multiple TERs between Bordeaux and Biarritz.

Seat reservations not possible nor needed on those trains. Simply add the train you'd like to take to the app before boarding. :)

If you have any questions for your return trip ask them here. I guess you still have some time until then. Pretty much the same route should be available too.
