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This is a very basic question, but I have bought my Interrail pass and have the app - I’ve built my journey in there and ‘linked’ the pass. Then I can make my reservations through any provider like Rail Europe and it will all work together? I can’t see a way to add my reservation to the app… does that matter?

I’m not travelling til 24 July so have some time - but I do want to make some specific journeys on certain days so want to reserve now.

Many thanks for your time.



Malheureusement il n'est pas possible d'ajouter des réservations à son pass Interrail/Eurail pass pour le moment. Vous ne pouvez donc pas lier les deux, même si la réservation de siège est complémentaire à votre pass Interrail dans le sens où il vous faudra obligatoirement montrer les deux supports distincts l'un de l'autre au contrôleur en cas de contrôle.

Il vous faudra donc votre pass activé et votre voyage en train ajouté à votre pass, avant un éventuel contrôle. Et à côté de cela votre réservation sous format papier ou numérique.

En espérant vous avoir aidé ^^

Bonne soirée 

Reservations are totally separate as said. Whether you make them on, Rail Europe, etc. they won’t appear anywhere.

Onboard show both the reservations PDF and the matching journey logged on Rail Planner app (your ticket). This last step can be done at any point prior to boarding, it doesn’t matter.

Many thanks both, very helpful.

So in a sense, the planned trip in your app is just for your own information - it is the reservations made with eg Rail Europe, and the “My Pass” in the app that are the key things? 


All trains that you travel with have to be registered as Journeys in the Trip that is connect to your pass. Then, just before boarding the train, you activate the journey to get a valid ticket for the train. 

So in a sense, the planned trip in your app is just for your own information - it is the reservations made with eg Rail Europe, and the “My Pass” in the app that are the key things? 


The logged and activated train in the app = your ticket 🙂 The reservation is to make sure you have a seat and paid the “Supplement” that is needed to travel on this train with a pass :) 
