
Popularity backpacking Balkans

  • 13 April 2024
  • 0 replies

Hey people, I have been interrailing for about 2 weeks now. I started in Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest and I loved the amount of people of about my age (21) that were solo traveling as well. After that, I went to Timisoara (Romania) which was very calm and I am now in Cluj-Napoca, which also seems to be calm. My plan is to do way more countries in this area, but I feel a bit worried now that I won't meet that many people there. However, I have been loving the most of solo traveling to be meeting new people. I am traveling from April untill June and I am mostly going to hostels. The countries that I had planned to go to are: Romania, Bulgaria, North-Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia.

What have your experiences been? Do you think it will get better if I continue my tour? Or would you advise me to go somewhere else in Europe? Or do you have any other tips?

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