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Reservation of seats

I have plan a trip to Scandinavian from Berlin. When do I need to make the reservation of the seats? Must it be in advance or at the same day of the trip. I have bought a global pass first class and do I also need a reservation? I also read from another travellers that they experienced problems with reservations.

Furthermore, there are any ideas to visit in Scanadinavian?



2 replies

Userlevel 7
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depends from the trains that you will take and also when.

There are some trains that need a reservation (in 1st and 2nd class) like long distance trains in Sweden, some in Norway and international rides in summer between Germany and Denmark,

other long distance trains have only optional reservations (long distance trains in Germany) and local trains have no reservations at all.


For trains with compulsory reservations I reccomend to make it soon enough, expecially for trains during summer.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

In Sweden you need reservations on night trains, high speed trains and IC trains. You can check in the Railplanner app. On regional trains reservations are optional or not possible. 
