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Still a little uncertain about my first ticket

I understand that when I activate my pass I use my first travel day. I need to add a journey to make a ticket. My question is that can  I change my journey during the day? If I for example go from Copenhagen to Hamburg and my next trip would be towards Berlin according the planned journey but I would like to change it to some other place. Is this possible?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yes you can change it (add/delete trains) along the way, no problem :)

(Please note that you need to make a seat reservation for Copenhagen - Hamburg -> those trains are very popular so book well in advance. The best place is, 72 CZK)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If you run into troubble with the travel between Copenhagen and Hamburg, and if you speak Swedish, there is a detailed description of how to travel without reservation between Denmark and Germany in the link below.

I guess that you must be a member of the FB group Tågsemester to be able to see the information.

