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I previously created a trip & added my pass to this trip. I activated today’s journey and received a barcode ticket for today’s journey. 
Today I can’t display my trip or my pass even though I’m logged on. Error message says problem syncing my trips to my phone. 
The error message says I should create a new trip and add my pass to that trip. I have created a new trip but am unable to add my pass because it is still assigned to my previous trip, which is not visible! 
Any ideas how to resolve? 

Try to uninstall and reinstall the Railplanner-app. You are not the only one experiencing this problem. 


@Eurail Community Moderator  When will the problems with the disappearing trips be fixed. It has been going on for quite some time now. 

Hi @AnnaB & @Martin Oetiker, we've been experiencing the sync issue between the app and the backend system. Our IT team is taking care of it now. If you're still experiencing the same issue, please update the App and contact our customer service team. They'll record the issue and help resolve it for you.


