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Hello everyone,

I triped with interrail in 2019 and I had a paper pass for the trip.

At that time I didn’t realize that it was written on the pass “When you’ve finished travelling, please send us this Pass Cover including your Pass and get a gift in return!”

I am curious of what it would be but at the same time, I’d like to keep the pass as a souvenir.


Anyone knows what the gift is like ? And if they still do this 4 years after my trip is over ?



They don't use paper passes anymore to get usage data, so it's no use anymore sending it in.

I once received a USB memory stick for sending in the trip report.

Hi @Victor Lauriau 

Due to the pandemic, we were not authorised to send gifts to our customers and the measure is still in place. If it changes, we will let our customer know. 

Have a nice day!
