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Hey, I have a 1 month pass. I thougt it's still valid after 30 days if I don't use the whole pass and I can go for example a few days later again? Because I'm going tomorrow and activated it and it says it's just valid till 22 of july..

Thanks for your help!




A 1 month pass is valid for 1 month.


If you want a pass for that sort of use they offer 10 day in 2 months or 15 day in 2 months passes.

A 1 month pass is valid for 1 month (28, 29, 30 or 31 days, depending on the number of days in the month). If you chose 23 June as the start date, then indeed it is valid until 22 July. It is not possible to pause the validity.

The advice is not to activate the pass until just before boarding your first train. So I suggest that you deactivate your pass right away.

There has been several questions in the community lately where people have activated their passes in advance and then on the first travel day, before boarding the train, they get sick and can't travel. Then they loose travel days and the validity of the pass starts running.


Ok, thanks for the replies. I get it, I Thought wrong.

Cheers Rico
