Hey everybody,
following situation:
Mobile Global Pass for 5 days.
Booked a seat on ICE 502 21:38 from Berlin to Hamburg 23:33 (29.07.). The train had a 110min delay. We arrived at Hamburg at around 01:04 (30.07.). The app requested the first inbound/outbound journey.
We originally had a seat reservation for a train 390 at 23:56 (29.07.) to Kopenhagen arriving 06:50 (30.07.).
But we were stuck in Hamburg and could continue at 09:43 30.07. (with several changes) to Kopenhagen with arrival at 16:03 30.07.
The interrail app requested a second inbound/outbound journey to be able to book the train.
Now I am worried, what will happen when I will travel back home on 14.08. from Stockholm to Berlin. I guess that the app will request another inbound/outbound journey. Which will not be possible.
Am I correct to be concerned?
What can I do?
Is there a way to somehow cancel the first outbound?
Any suggestions?
Thabks for any help!
Kind regards, Sebastian