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2 Week Vacation. Eurail a good option?

We are from the United States and are flying into Alicante, Spain in July.  We are spending 1 week in Alicante (plan to visit Madrid and possibly Barcelona), then spending a week in Assisi, Italy (plan to visit Rome, Florence, and maybe Venice).  Seeing today’s special on a 1 month unlimited pass gets me thinking that the Eurail would be easier/ cheaper than rental cars and a flight to Italy.  Any advice is very appreciated!  This is our first time to Europe.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hey Nate,

the offer is only for European citizens and people having a permanent residency in Europe (as it is for 50th “birthday” of Interrail). The Eurail passes (which are for US citizens etc.) aren’t reduced AFAIK. 

Still I would suggest you to go by Eurail on your trip… way more fun ;-) and also might be cheaper then renting a car.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Do NOT use any pass for that-book directly on renfe-or maybe even the new to come low-budget other superfast trenes in ESpana and just buy local tix on the day in IT for short trips-note that As is not a fine base to do short tours to these other places-for the longer trips also book advance, just like you would do for HTLs-on the site of TrenItalia

ESpana is simply a PITA for passholders and in IT you also need to make all these REServazione-so just do it right away for all.

EUrail is much older as 50. But no-they also will not do a 70% discount-they claim its already much cheaper as you can now also go for 2nd -used to be only 1st.

NOte that MASKs are still mandatory over there and this does not appear to change soon-there may also still be other anti-covid measures in place-and you will not be exempt from them by stating you are USA
