50% rail pass sale - site is down

I was about to buy a pass and then saw all the posts about the site being down so i will not bother.  Shame I only saw the sale today and I am a bit worried I will have problems, if not now then later on if i need help

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Sale is extened Till today just have a Look on interrail.eu or myinterrail.uk 


Due the High demand the Website crashed. They never had before so much Website visitors as in the last days. 

Thanks but I am concerned that if i have any problems when travelling the same might happen so I am reluctantly not buying

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Thanks but I am concerned that if i have any problems when travelling the same might happen so I am reluctantly not buying

when traveling the Railcompany that caused the problem is responsible. so there is usually no need to reach out for eurails customer service. 

Unless the problem is with the pass 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Unless the problem is with the pass 

I had till yet paperpasses and never had any struggles. 
I just bought a Mobile pass to try it out. (Usually i use a different offer instead of Interrail but the 50% discount worths to try it. )  
