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Is the 50th anniversary sale exclusive to online shopping, or does it aplly to the phisical sale places?

I live in Portugal, so the shipping prices would not benefit me :/


Thanks for your help!

The 10% discount also applies to paper passes, often also for passes bought at the station. Portuguese railways also sell Interrail at their international ticket offices, they list them here. But maybe check first if they also offer the 10% discount.

Thank you for the help! That is what I intended to do :)

I bought a paper pass last SAT-not In PT- with the discount and there are now new covers (which indeed have a cover nr on them) and most of the other railways I have seen their sites also tell they do, so I guess you have a fair chance of getting this discount. For a paper pass you need to state startday when buying. Most of these railways can now also sell you the mobile pass to load on your fone.

And-in case its all brand new for you-DO note hat ESpana is particularly a hard nut to crack for riding with a pass due to the REServations needed anywhere

Thank you so much! Already went to the train station in Lisbon to ask and yes, the discount is avaiable :)))

I have made my route and luckily I’ll only need to make one connection in Spain to come back to Lisbon, thanks for the warning
