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Hi, i bought at 15 April an interrail pass for 10 days within 2 months and i used accidentally the 2 inbound and outbound days in a trip i did and now i am not able to use the other 4 days left. The app tells me that there is no outbound/inbound journeys left and i can not use my other days and that i need to buy a separate ticket in order to make this journey. 

The question is; i have paid for the interrail pass and i don’t want to pay any more money since i have already paid for that. Is there any solution to my problem?

Thanks in advance!

What means accidentally? The rule is that you are allowed to use only 2 days in your country of residence. In this case you have to buy a new ticket from the border station or the border tariff point to use the pass in your country. 

If you have not used it, you can ask help to the costumer service

By saying accidentally, i mean that i did not know that rule and i was in a hurry and i activated the second inbound/outbound journey without wanting to do so…. and i was a little bit confused.

I want in a couple of days to begin a new trip. If i buy that ticket from a border station, then can i use the rest of my days of my interrail pass?

Ok i understood what you mean, thanks mate!
