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Hi guys,


Has anyone done Eurail with an Australian Driver Licence as ID?

Any issues so far?


I live in AUS but I don’t have a passport yet (German passport). 

Sorry for the double thread, I am travelling tomorrow and hoping for an answer soon!




You use your German passport.
If someone asks you about proof, then show some proof that you live in Australia and not in Germany anymore… Otherwise you might face problems (especially if you travel in Germany with German passport but can’t proof that you live abroad)

Australian driving license is no legit ID Card :/

Either a Passport or a ID Card like Personalausweis should be used with the eurailpass

Hi guys @MartinM @seewulf  thanks for the super fast replies! 

In Australia, driver licenses are the official ID’s like Personalausweis in Germany. I also have a photo card which is the equivalent to the driver licence for people that don’t drive 🙂 but most people don’t have the photo ID card. 

i just saw in another thread that a visa also is no sufficient proof of residency! I’m running out of options here as in Australia, there is also no such thing as Meldebescheinigung - simply doesn’t exist! You do register and update your residential address when your move on your driver licence only! 

So if I were to use my German passport, what official legal document could I possibly use to proof residency of Aus? Any ideas? 


Reading this worries me to use my EU passport:

“2.2 Eurail Pass eligible customers
Eurail Passes are available to all persons who are not in possession of a passport/identity card or residence permit of any of the member states of the European Union”

@seewulf @MartinM 

What I do have is a German Abmeldebescheinigung from 2018 for what it’s worth? In conjunction with visa and Photo card and driver license? 

Reading this worries me to use my EU passport:

“2.2 Eurail Pass eligible customers
Eurail Passes are available to all persons who are not in possession of a passport/identity card or residence permit of any of the member states of the European Union”

@seewulf @MartinM 

What I do have is a German Abmeldebescheinigung from 2018 for what it’s worth? In conjunction with visa and Photo card and driver license? 

Wouldn’t worry too much about it. Maybe in the T&C they just didn’t think about such cases…

If you have your Australian driving license with you as proof and maybe some other document just in case, then it should be fine.

I am traveling often by Interrail and recently they almost never checked my ID… even in countries where they usually do it often (Switzerland).
