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I want to travel three months and come back to my home country (Germany) during the first one. That’s why I bought one pass with 4 travel days within one month and another one with 15 travel days within 2 months. Two of the 4 days from the first pass I want to use to get off my home country and to come back. Means there is one left. As I can’t use this one to start from my homecountry again, I want to know, if I can use for the second time to leave my homecountry the second pass I bought (14 travel days within two months) to get to France and if it is possible to afterwards (but within the 30 days) use the first pass again in France (not homecountry) so the 4th travel day wouldn’t be wastetd. This means for a couple of days two passes would be activated for the same time and person.

Is this possible?


Thanks for your answer.

That's no problem.
