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Hello Interrailers,

  I want to buy a 50th anniversary Interrail Ticket, but I’m not shure, when the journey will exactly start in the next 11 month. In 5 month, my age changes from 59 to 60.

  • Can I buy an 60 year Interrailticket if I’m shure, my journey starts after 5 months ?
  • Can I buy an 59 year Interrailticket if I’m not shure, or do I get problems if I start my journey after 5 months, i.e. starting the journey when I 60 years old ?

Thank you for your answers,


@1 I really dont know, but may give trouble as one usually has to give name, birthdate, ID-nr when buying-though I´ve never used an online passonfone, so I dk how it works on that

@2 this is certainly possible.

Note-again-this very good promotion is ONLY for continous 1-2-3 month global passes and the usual discount for senior is 10% (thus effective now 5% of old sum)-not that big an amount. About 40€ on a 3-month=less as ½ €/day. To compare (also senior) I currently have 10 days in 2 month pass (bought with 10% promotion discount) and this was about 333€

Same here! I turn 60 this October. Was hoping to buy a Senior Global Pass at 50% off for use after my birthday but it appears you can’t do that unless you’re already 60 or over (the online booking form won’t accept your birthdate otherwise)! :(

I could not buy it either. I think there should be some possibility though.

Yes, I agree! I‘ve decided to buy an Adult pass anyway (1 mth 1st class) because the price difference between it and a Senior pass isn’t that great and I also get to use it right away rather than wait till my 60th later this year. Happy travels everybody!

Hi all, although the answer might come to late it might help other travelers:  As long as you are 60 when you start your trip, you can purchase your Pass before your 60th birthday. There has been a period in which it was blocking customers from booking, but it has been fixed some time ago. 

Thanks Nanja! Despite what I wrote in my last reply some months ago (see above) I did in fact manage to get my Senior pass at 50% off after all - someone at Eurail contacted me to say, just get the pass and they’d take 50% off the price immediately, which they did! Now i just have to wait a couple more months or so until I turn 50 and then I can finally get going!
