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Best pass for me- Italy and Greek Islands

We might need 2 days of eurail in Italy and 4 days Greek Islands. What pass would be best for us?

We won’t be taking a ferry from Italy to Greece. Does the Global pass include ferries?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Maybe use for the two days in Italy normal individual tickets.

There are two major Railcompanies in Italy
Trenitalia (state owned) operate a Highspeednetwork and many local routes
Italo (NTV is  private owned) and operate a Highspeednetwork between the major cities in Italy.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

RAIL Passes do not include ferries-many though give a little discount (which they also give to all ju/senior in general). It may very well be that ferry nr 2 without disc is still cheaper in the end on final price. Due to current fuel cost all charge extra surcharges for that
