I am organzing a group trip for 5 where two people are starting starting before three of us and then heading out earlier.
Two will be traveling from Ediburgh to London. Then all five of us are traveling London to Paris. Then Paris to Slazburg. After 5 days we will all be traveling to Interlaken. After 5 days the same two will be traveling to Geneva. Three days later the other three of us are traveling to Zurich.
What is the easiest way to be able to make the reservations for when all fice of us are traveling togther? It sounds like people have had trouble with that. Should I purchase all the passes so I can book the group travel? If so how easy will it be for the two that are traveling (partly) separately to make thier own reservations?
And should we go with the electronic passes or the paper passes?
I arranged travel for a group about 5 years ago but they were moslty minors and I went through Swiss Travel Centre so I did not make the reservations myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!