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me (german citizen, Indonesian resident) and my girlfriend (Indonesian citizen and resident with Schengen) would like to book an Eurail Pass. I tried through the website but when it asks for the billing address and passanger information I cannot insert or choose Indonesia for my address. Does anyone have a solution, or does anyone have the number of the service hotline (couldn’t find it anywhere). 

Note: I tried to contact support via E-Mail and facebook, no answer!

Best Regs, 

Aaron and Sasmita :)

Hey Aaron,

if your girlfriend lives since more than 6 months permanently in an European country she should be also able to get an Interrail pass…
You may buy it in a ticket office at a German railway station. Then no billing address needed etc. :-D

Have a good trip

Hi Aaron, non - European residents need a Eurail Pass, whereas European residents need an Interrail Pass. For more information, have a look here. So you probably tried to enter Indonesia on the Interrail website, which is indeed not possible. On the Eurail website you can enter Indonesia. 
