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How do I report a bug with the mobile app?

Showing the pass at a ticket check seems to try & make a connection. If the phone is connected to on-train WiFi but the signal is (temporarily) poor then the app just stalls / hangs. This is a very uncomfortable experience when the train manager/guard/<whatever> is standing next to you.

The same applies if the phone is connected to 3G/4G and the signal is poor.

I had to turn off WiFi and/or turn off mobile data and then it’s fine. The app was fine once it knew there was no connection at all - it was just upset by a bad connection.

I worked this out but then I work with IT. Someone less aware of IT or who doesn’t know how to turn off WiFi and/or mobile data could have an uncomfortable experience.

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you have experienced issues. We appreciate you took the time to share your feedback with us. You can report bugs in the Rail Planner App by going to '’more'’-? '’setting'’ → enable error log and press send. Cheers, 
