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Can I get fined for not having my full name on the ticket?

  • 28 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Ok so I have 3 names in total,alongside the family’s one

I forgot to add the third name and now on the ticket I appear without the third

My second and last name are connected by a -,like Bob-Andrew,and I appear in the ticket by my family name and just Bob,no Andrew

In my ID card I appear as family name and Bob-Andrew

Will this look like I am not the same person for the person that will check my ticket?

EDIT : I am travelling in Romania,Hungary,Austria and Italy,maybe the laws are different idk

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

The main thing is the nr of your quoted ID is the same.

There is/was even an official notice that pre-names have to be abbreviated to only 1 letter=initial. Most older style railway equipment for these passes have a limited nr of spaces for names (I d not have 1 at hand here, so cannot see) and the tipical ESpanol double names etc are often too long for that.

And not to make you worry: but HU and RO have always been noted for sometimes corrupt conductors-who think they earn too little and thus can put their greedy hands in the pockets of young people from the wealthy west too frightened to protest. That is why MAV is often nick-named MAVia. But if they want that-they will always find something that is ´not right´ and try to fob you off. Though this is mostly from the distant past and not so often anymore. Happy travels.
