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Hi there,

I will travel with the one country mobile pass this week for the first time.

I have a question concerning saving multiple journeys for one day. Is it possible for example to plan the journey of a whole Friday, in separate journeys without using up multiple travel days? 

Will the app be fare to see that if I save a journey for Friday morning, and later in the afternoon on a different journey for that same Friday, it will still fall under one traveling day? Or do I need to plan a whole day in one journey plan?

I hope my question is clear and you can help me.


Thanks in advance!




One travel day is valid for as many journeys as you like from 00.01 until 23.59.

In fact any journey starting by 23.59 is included in that day even if it finishes many hours into the next day.


Just to be clear, a single journey in this case being one trip taken on a single train.

One travel day is valid for as many journeys as you like from 00.01 until 23.59.

Own great!

In fact any journey starting by 23.59 is included in that day even if it finishes many hours into the next day.

That is good to know!

Just to be clear, a single journey in this case being one trip taken on a single train.

Does it all still count if I save multiple journeys that include more than one train?

Thanks for the answers so far!



