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Because i have the possibility to drive back from my first stop by car and then going Outbound again to another country. So can i use 2 Outbound trips?

For example:

My Home Country is Austria.

  1. Trip: Vienna → Berlin (then go back to Vienna by car)
  2. Trip: Vienna → Paris 
  3. Paris → Amsterdam
  4. Amsterdam → Bratislava (then go back to Vienna by Car)

With a mobile pass, that should work. The mobile pass doesn't check for direction, it just looks if you're travelling in your country of residence.

@4: however, all planners will show that quickest route from AMS to Bĺava is via AT/Linz-Wien. Of course you can go via DE-CZ/Praha, but I highly doubt you can do it in 1 day then.

There are/were 2 different BUSlines each ev hour B´lava-Wien, for singles of 5-6€ only.

This superfast Thalys that runs the direct trains P->AMS is also quite costly in supplt-with the cost of a passday perhaps in total even more as normal ticket. You can cut this expense by using other trains-and loose time.

Or with that newest hype of grün Österrecih-this klimaticket- you would also have no probs.

wow, i really thought that Interrail makes it all more easy and flexibel.

thank you all for your help

one last question: where do i buy this passzuschlag 2 (if i wanna buy it)? at a ticket office in france or germany? via DB or via french train system...or via interrail?


thank you

wow, i really thought that Interrail makes it all more easy and flexibel.

thank you all for your help

one last question: where do i buy this passzuschlag 2 (if i wanna buy it)? at a ticket office in france or germany? via DB or via french train system...or via interrail?


thank you

Du bist zwar aus irgend einem Grund im falschen Thread gelandet, aber den gibt es in jedem DB-Reisezentrum am Bahnhof (für beide Richtungen). Wenn es der Bediener hinbekommt...
