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Hi there 

The netherlands is my country of residence and I have re entered it by car instead of train so now I still have one inbound journey left. Can I use this journey to make a day trip to antwerp? So can I add two journey to my pass? This would be:

Rotterdam- Antwerp

Antwerp- Eindhoven

Thanks in advance!

That should possible as long as you have travel days left and your pass is valid.  The outbound/inbound rule says that you can travel in your country of residence on a maximum of two days.

On those days you can use as many trains as you like and those days can be whenever you like during the validity of your pass. 

You need to check though if you can cross the border in the way you like. If you enter the journeys with a date in the future you can see if the app allows you to enter the return from Antwerpen to Eindhoven. You better check this yourself and let us know here if it works.

Thank you so much for your quick response!

I only have 1 traveling day left though so unfortunatley I cant check if this works for the future. Maybe someone else with traveldays left can?

I only have 1 traveling day left though so unfortunatley I cant check if this works for the future.

Sure you can test this, as long as it is for a date in the future. After your test, you can cancel that travel day again, as long as it is before that travel day starts.
