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I successfully activated my pass and made the reservation in the website. My valid date is 12 Feb to 11 May 2023. However, when I click at the QR to add the journey to my pass, it said "your pass isn't valid on this date." This happens at both my trip on 12 Feb and 15 Feb. There is no deactivation button for me as well. I tried deleting the app and reloading it, but it didn't work. Could you please help me because I have to travel real soon. Thank you so much.

This comes up on occasion from people from Thailand. The Eurail app does not work with your device if it is set to the Buddhist calendar. Changing the setting on your phone to use the Gregorian calendar should solve this.

Oh my god!!! Thank you so much. I got it now. Thanks a lot.🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
