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Agradeço demais quem puder me ajudar. 

Estou analisando a vantagem de adquirir o Eurail Pass Global. Irei passar 45 dias na Eurooa fazendo o percurso abaixo:


Paris - Luxemburgo - Lucerna -Zurich -  Spiez (Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen) - Milão - Genebra - Lyon - Barcelona - Madri - Lisboa - Coimbra (irei me fixar 15 dias por lá, porém pretendo ir em Porto e Fátima)

O Pass Global cobre todos esses lugares? é vantagem?


Yes, a pass will allow you to travel between all those places but it is not of use for travelling within cities so you should plan your trip and calculate when you will need to travel between different cities to see how many days pass you would benefit from.

Obrigada pela resposta.


Ele não funciona dentro das cidades ? E os passeios que farei dentro da cidade ele não serve ?

The pass is only valid in trains of the participating railway companies, not in buses, trams and metros, with only few exceptions. Railway companies don't operate metros and buses (except for some rail replacement buses, where the pass is valid).

So the pass will often be valid in suburban trains, such as S-Bahn in Germany/Switzerland (with a few exceptions in Zurich), in Italy and Spain, but not in the RER in and around Paris.

Have a look at seat reservations here :

Eurail is good value. Boats on Lake Thun and Brienz are fully included. :)

When are you travelling to Milan ? The Simplon route (Domodossola - Milan) will be closed for 3 months due to works starting in June. Expect replacement buses to take 1h-1h30 longer. Alternative routes via Novara or Locarno.

Reservations for the direct AVE from Lyon to Barcelona are not available online. Either you buy a regular ticket in advance (and save the pass day) or outside peak season/busy dates get the reservations on the platform.

Madrid - Lisbon is a long travel day but it's doable :

Questions welcome.

Obrigada pelas respostas, são muito atenciosos. 

Irei à Milao dia 11/06/2024. Já estará funcionando? Seria de Spiez a Milao e depois Milão a Genebra 


agradeço demais os esclarecimentos, pensava que cobria tudo interno nas cidades. 

11 June is too early to book reservations in Italy. Italian railways are generally not very early with publishing timetables, especially when there's a timetable change, in this case on 9 June for the summer timetable. Booking reservations will probably be possible sometime in March.

Yes it's too early to book anything.

So the Simplon route will be closed from 9th June to 8th September (+ 3 weeks in August for Iselle - Domodossola). Rail replacement buses for the EC trains will run but expect them to take 1h-1h30 longer than the train. Hopefully reservations will be easy to make as they seem to be mandatory (at least it was the case for the previous buses replacing ECs). (in Italian for now)

Desculpa eu não sei como funciona direito a comunidade . E não sei falar outro idioma 

No worries, you can write in Portuguese and we translate if needed

Partindo de Zurich para Milão existe alguma rota que nao estará interditada dia 09 de junho ?

9 June is the first day of the summer timetable and Trenitalia hasn't published it yet. I'd expect the long distance trains to be available sometime in March and the regional trains end of May/beginning of June.

I don't expect many changes compared to now. You can use one of the direct ECs (reservation €13) or one of the hourly reservation-free connections with a change in Lugano.

@thibcabe por faço agradeço se puder me ajudar você havia comentado no meu tópico que dia 09 de junho a rota Simplson estaria interditada por 03 meses. 
Meu roteiro e saindo de Spiez dia 09/06 indo para Milão. E saindo de Milão dia 10/06 com destino a Genebra. 

essa rota interditada atrapalhará em algo meu roteiro escolhido p essas datas? Fiquei na dúvida pois depois vc comentou o seguinte: 

(+ 3 semanas em Agosto para Iselle -



como a minha viagem será em junho atrapalha em algo? Queria me locomover somente com trem mesmo 

Se alguém mais poder comentar também agradeço 

agradeço sua atenção 

Domodossola - Milan will be closed from 9th June to 8th September. Replacement buses will run (pass valid). Timetables are not finalised yet but it will definitely be possible to travel to Milan.

Another part of the route (Iselle - Domodossola) will also be closed for 3 weeks in August but that’s not relevant for your trip.

Hope it’s cleare now!
