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Buenos días, pido me ayuden para saber en que estación o Gare puedo comprar pase Eurail Global en Paris.



No está muy claro si lo siguen vendiendo en taquillas, pero puedes preguntarlo en las taquillas de la SNCF en cualquiera de las grandes estaciones (Gare du Nord, gare de l'Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare Montparnasse). 

Pero lo más fácil quizás sea comprar un pase para el móvil en la web de Eurail? Una vez comprado es cuestión de cargarlo en la app y puedes usarlo casi directamente.

You probably mean an old-style paper pass? HIghly UNlikely for now since the last yrs. It is intended to sell all passes only as mobile anyway as soon as feasible.

The only reliable places that will be able to sell you a paper pass as EUrail right on the spot (as these are far, far more scarce as INTERrail=for those who live in EUR) are main airports and a few biggest cities in DE=Germany and Swiss and NL/Nederland. FRance has never been very friendly toward this and in fact since this yr SNCF has even stopped printing paper normal tickets from its machines-they send a mail to your @mail. Even for selling INterRail Passes SNCF is often known as very sloppy or not able to.

