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I purchased two Interrail tickets for around 600 EUR just a month before the Pandemic started, 

I got the email like most people informing us about being able to wait and return our old tickets for new ones as soon as travel was possible again, now that it finally “stopped” or atleast made it possible to travel again i went back to the mail to see instructions, to my shock it said you could only renew them until summer 2021.

I am very aware that this is a 100% my fault but with having to move countries and the stress of the pandemic i just completely forgot to recheck the email.


Is there anything i can do? i’ve been trying to contact interrail several times but havent gotten an answer,

this is my last piece of hope that there is something i can possibly do and not loose out on 600 euro… 

Any advice is very appreciated thank you 


There is nothing you can do but wait for an answer from customer service.
