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How long does it take on average to get a reply from customer service? 

That very much depends on priority: problems of people currently travelling have priority, then people who travel in a few days and then the others.

That means you should always mention when you intend to travel. A concrete date, not “asap” or “urgently".

On the other hand, questions of which the answers can be found on the Eurail website are not likely to be prioritised.

Expect no answer at all on general questions-the type the tipical USAer, used to call the call-centres @home-picks up the fone as evident. It simply does not work that way in EUR.

Only specific personal problems with the set-up and possible technical bugs will be adressed as rian explains-then, with delay, those for refunds/exchanges etc.- where the ´answer´ will be the fast it gets done. Reason: overworked and understaffed. About anywhere in EUR there are serious staff-shortages in transport

The usual 1s timer questions etc-always all the same-it never seems to cross someones mind that s/he will not be the 1st-are all answered and treated here -often dozens, 100s of times- gets pretty boring after a while


If your question not was regarding some problem with your pass or reservation that only can be solved by Customer Support, then you will get an answer much faster here in the Community.  
