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On august 11,2022 a guy form customer service told me i should buy an emergency ticket of equal value of the one I already have because mine was not useful. However before buying the ticket I made sure that they will refund my money because I dont need two tickets. 

Almost 20 days later I am being  ignored  by customer service Without an update on my refund, even though i have share the conversation I had with this particular person from customer service. I have evidence of him saying i will get the refund and I have not heard from anyone since. 

what should i do? There’s no telephone number i can call and even if i write  another mail they still say my refund wont go and when attached the evidence they ignore me all over again


how can i contact them without being ignore!?


Have you bought 2 passes? In that case you need to ask for an exchange of passes. This is only possible if the conditions for the first pass you bought allow an exchange. And the first pass has to be unused and not active.

A refund is not a prioritised issue at Customer Support so you will just have to be patient and wait for an update. Customer Support are giving priority to issues from people who currently are travelling. 

Have you followed the steps in the process to exchange passes?

I asked you that before in your previous topic on the same subject but I never got a reply.

Have you followed the steps in the process to exchange passes?

I asked you that before in your previous topic on the same subject but I never got a reply.

Hi. Thanks, I followed the steps on the mail I received saying I would get the refund which were buy a new one send me the reservation number from both tickets and we will do the refund. I understand if there are people who are currently traveling and need help, but the thing i do not like is not having an answer or a status overall, I find it  unprofessional, ever since it was customer service who told me to buy another one in the first place.


The last thing I heard was last week and they telling me the refund wouldn’t proceed, which makes no sense.ñ because they told me to buy the other ticket.  That’s why I need more communication from customer service.



EURail gets a lot of requests and they don’t have so many employees to process everything in a short time.
Your request is no emergency request so you should just wait and relax… 3-4 weeks is nothing. If you have to deal with an airline, it will take months!



The last thing I heard was last week and they telling me the refund wouldn’t proceed, which makes no sense.ñ because they told me to buy the other ticket.  That’s why I need more communication from customer service.


You write that you don't get any response from Customer Support and then you say that you have information that your refund will not proceed. I don't understand how you mean. 

What reason did Customer Support give for not paying you back the price for your first pass less 15 EUR? Had you activated your first pass?
