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I have bought two Interrail-passes on the first of April and have just put in a request for a refund. My ordernumber is IN30465750.

I am trying to reach Interrail-support because I think you owe me a 100% refund, not just 85%.

Before I bought the passes I looked at the trip Amsterdam/Girona with highspeed trains on your website and everything I tried was shown as possible to book, this was on the 31th of March. On the first of April I bought passes and tried to make the actual reservations but found that this isn't possible. I always get a message 'bookingsystem not available, try again in a few hours'. I even get this message when I try to book months into the future. It appears that your bookingsystem does not work.

I tried to reach Interrail-support to find out what is going on but found that it is not possible to contact your organization. I always end up on this page and the only point of contact is For this reason I decided to put my support request on the community forum.

I then looked at the community forum and found that it is full of stories about how difficult it is to make reservations. I wish I had known this before I bought the passes.

On your website you make it look like it is very easy to book reservations on your website but as an actual customer if find that this is not true. It is very complex to book reservations and your bookingsystem does not work. For actual reservations your customers need to contact various train operators. You should have made this clear on your website.


Customer support can be reached here.

You'd also better document with screenshots that booking reservations was impossible.

@Nanja, as I have say before, this link should appear on the website since many people otherwise just won't find customer support.

Thanks for your reply.

I tried to use the support-link that you provided but I can’t sign in. It says ‘Sign in with your account’ but that doesn’t work. I also tried to sign in with my account but that doesn’t work either. I now for sure that my account works because I’m using it to type this reply.

It feels weird to try to sign in on a, for me, unknown site ( using my account information. I trust you @rvdborgt , but with the Internet as it is with phishing attempts, it does not feel ok to enter my credentials on an unknown site just because something I read.

I think it is essential for Interrail & eurail to publish the support-link to give me the assurance that I can trust with my credentials.

I tried to use the support-link that you provided but I can’t sign in. It says ‘Sign in with your account’ but that doesn’t work. I also tried to sign in with my account but that doesn’t work either. I now for sure that my account works because I’m using it to type this reply.

Sorry, my bad. I corrected the URL above. You don't need to sign in.

I have already received confirmation on the 85% refund and have put in a request for the remaining 15%.

@rvdborgt  thanks for your help!

Hi rvdborgt, thanks for the feedback. The decision has been made to not include the form on the website by our Customer Support team, as the chatbot is using the same structure as the form and prioritizes in the same way. If you would want the link on the website, please send a request directly to our customer support team via the form. This way it can be picked up, together with other similar requests/complaint if they are there. Thanks, 

Hi rvdborgt, thanks for the feedback. The decision has been made to not include the form on the website by our Customer Support team, as the chatbot is using the same structure as the form and prioritizes in the same way.

For the chatbot to work in this way:

  • It should be clear they that you can reach customer service via the chatbot. At the moment, that is not the case and I suppose that's why many people ignore it. To be honest, I'm not inclined either to use it as a means to reach customer service, although I know that it should be possible.
  • It should be clear how to get the chatbot to pass on your question to customer service. At this moment, this is not the case.

@Leo this one is for you, regarding the chatbot :)

Thank you for the feedback, rvdborgt. Unfortunately, when we do openly share the link with the forms on our website, many customers create tickets selecting random/incorrect options, causing wrong prioritization in our inboxes (making it more difficult for us to deal with urgent issues).

Through the bot, customers should be able to find the information they are looking for, and if that is not possible, one only needs to ask for real agents/human assistance and the bot will help with the ticket creation and correct prioritization. In any case, we will forward your suggestion of making this clearer on the website. 
