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Hi there - just wondering when building my route. Do I need to start with london if that’s the city I’m flying in to or do I put the first destination as Paris if that’s my first stop with using the rails?


you choose the train route in your pass… so it would be London to Paris in that case.
If you have a paper pass, you write it down in the travel diary.
If you have a mobile pass, you select the train trip and add it to your route.

Do note-I hope you were aware of this, thet GR is not reachable only on rails= by train. best site to help out:, lists all overland from UK to countries in EUR + advice.

Lon->P is only by €* train, needs special hi-priced REServation beside pass-as do all hi-speed trains (TGV) IN FR and even moe costly right over border from FRance.
