This train is included because it is run by SBB and Trenitalia (Italiarail is a travel agent).
You can book a reservation without any booking fees on Do NOT use "Seat reservation only” but add the Interrail/Eurail discount and the select "One-way tickets and day tickets”. Reservation will cost €11 in second and €13 in 1st class.
Hello, I am traveling to Switzerland and Italy this upcoming summer. I am a Canadian citizen. I plan on taking the EC311 Venezia S.Lucia ItaliaRail train from Zurich HB to Venice (Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia). Does the Eurail Global Pass include this train ride?
Thank you very much.
Hello, it is included, but you do need a mandatory reservation (can be bought here: (11 € 2nd class, 13 € 1st class) - do it as you'd buy a normal ticket and enter your pass as discount).
BTW: ItaliaRail isn't a train company and this train is a swiss one. 
Kind regards, Hektor.