Dear, is the Eurail Scandinavia Adult Pass valid for travel between Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland), or just for one country?That is, if I buy the Eurail Scandinavia Adult Pass, can I travel from Denmark to Norway, from Norway to Sweden and from Sweden to Denmark again?
Here you can read about the Eurail Scandinavia Pass.
You can travel in, and between, all included countries as much as you like on your travel days.
It happens that when I finish the order, on the payment page, it appears "one contry pass".... I bought the Global Pass, just in case...
It happens that when I finish the order, on the payment page, it appears "one contry pass".... I bought the Global Pass, just in case...
The Scandinavia Pass is a One Country Pass that is valid in more than one country, like the BeNeLux Pass. All passes that not are valid in all 33 countries are called One Country Pass even if they are valid in more than one country.
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