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We are planning a group trip with about 12 young people (12-14 years) and 2 supervisors to France. We only need the trips for the outward journey and the return journey.

Does it make more sense for the participants to organize their Interrail ticket themselves, or does central booking make more sense?

What happens if a participant gets sick and doesn't even start the journey? Can individual tickets also be canceled?

Can seat reservations also be made as a group? Again, the question, could individual reservations be cancelled?

The trip is planned for May 2023. Can seats be reserved before buying an Interrail ticket, or is it tied to the ticket? For the German area, the reservation should be possible with the change to the winter timetable. (Right?) From when is pre-reservation possible for the French area?

Thanks for tips and opinions from a total newbie.


Kind regards

Moin moin. Thats viel zu früh jetzt. Ausserdem sollte mann ein solches nicht selber all organiseren-dafür geht mann ins DB Reisecenter oder ein mit Jugendreisen sehr vertrautes Reisebüro.

Fúr bloss eine sti-no H+R-gleicher Route, wird ein Pass mit wenigstens 4 tage nicht schnell lohnen. Da jedoch domestic FR porbleme geben kann, wäre eine etwas genauere Angabe von Reiseziel usw-und ob es billig sein muss-und deshalb langsamer-oder nicht.

Thank you for your prompt reply. The destination is Angouleme, starting in Hildesheim or Hanover. It is important that the southern connection via Karlsruhe and not via Paris. Thank's for the Tipps. The local DB travel center said it wasn't responsible for Interrail.

I don't think that Interrail will be the best option. As DB allows 4 children under 15 to travel for free with a  "Begleitperson" you should consider buying normal Sparpreis or Supersparpreis Tickets for your travel. The children have to be included in the ticket but you don't pay for them.

If you are 2 adults you can take 8 children for free and the remaining 4 children pay 50%. I can't think that Interrail will be cheaper. 

For just a return journey booked long in advance, I also doubt Interrail would be the cheapest option.


We are planning a group trip with about 12 young people (12-14 years) and 2 supervisors to France. We only need the trips for the outward journey and the return journey.

Does it make more sense for the participants to organize their Interrail ticket themselves, or does central booking make more sense?

What happens if a participant gets sick and doesn't even start the journey? Can individual tickets also be canceled?

Can seat reservations also be made as a group? Again, the question, could individual reservations be cancelled?

The trip is planned for May 2023. Can seats be reserved before buying an Interrail ticket, or is it tied to the ticket? For the German area, the reservation should be possible with the change to the winter timetable. (Right?) From when is pre-reservation possible for the French area?

Thanks for tips and opinions from a total newbie.


Kind regards

Hello! This trip sounds like fun 🙂 However, our Passes are designed for multiple trips. Therefore, if these are the only trips you want to make, it's better to opt for point to point tickets-which we don't sell, I'm afraid.

